Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What I am doing making more work for myself again?


Here we are at exactly 2 weeks til I am back in the classroom and theatre again. This year, as something different, I thought I would try a blog.


Yes, a mighty good question.

Several potential answers here:

1. Teachers, especially drama teachers, are essentially actors and crave attention. So a blog, assuming people read it, is an excellent plan.

2. It will make me write down how I produce a show and then I'll know that I am actually doing something when I feel like CRAP because it feels like I am getting nothing done.

3. I like the sound of the word blog. BLog. bLOG. Blo-blo-bloG. It is a pretty cool word. "I have to go home and blog." "I hope I have time to get to my blog tonight." Come on, that's cool.

4. I had an hour of free time between 2 and 3 am, something had to fill it.

5. I thought maybe someone else was teaching drama or missing drama or living in a small town teaching it like me and would get a groove off of reading it.

Mostly, it's all that.

So, I am a high school drama teacher. I teach in a small town. I do BIG shows. I have a fabulous group of people to work with almost all the time and... somedays my fabulous people - well, aren't too fabulous. Somedays I am also spectacularly unfabulous. That's how she goes.

We are doing a musical this year and two competition pieces. I am teaching a technical theatre class and an advanced acting class. Should be fun.

I will be as honest as I can (please see above reference to "all teachers are actors" - hence small bits of honesty sometimes are forsaken for a good story) about how the process is coming along.

Welcome to my life. I like company.

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